Follow Viola Buddy
Viola Buddy
Viola Buddy
Simultaneous Commander
Send a string of WASD commands to be interpreted by two different entities to get them both to their goals
Viola Buddy
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Shattered Chessboards
Viola Buddy
Colorbindings of Chess Variant Pieces
Interactive article about where chess pieces can and can't move to [SoME3]
Viola Buddy
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The Bishop and Knight's Escape
A chess-based game made for the GMTK Game Jam 2023
Viola Buddy
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Clock Solitaire (and Mathematical Analysis)
Interactive mathematical analysis of a solitaire card game [SoME2]
Viola Buddy
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Dicechess Arena
A chess-like game where piece movement is dictated by dice rolls [Made for GMTK Game Jam 2022]
Viola Buddy
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Playing Cards Demo
An extremely minimal demo in which you can turn over cards from a shuffled deck of playing cards... and that's it.
Viola Buddy
Card Game
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